Sunday, May 06, 2012

Ferry Beach

When it reached 80 degrees in April, we knew we had to take advantage of it and head for the beach!!!  We met some friends at Ferry Beach and stayed all day (9:30am to 5pm!) - and the children still weren't ready to leave!

Angel tried out her new snorkel set.

And loved the boogie boarding!

But she especially enjoyed all the sea life around!
She collected hermit crabs and mussels and begged me to let her bring them home with us.  When I insisted that that wasn't in their best interest or ours, she finally consented to just take a photo to remember them by...

Wiggles had fun with her little buddy Cole.  They play together often and are in preschool together, and they often fight like cats and dogs.  But at the beach, they were both just so happy to be out, they played together beautifully for hours!  I couldn't stop taking pictures of them, they were so adorable!

Angel of course wanted to 'create' things.  She worked on several sand castles, complete with flags, drawbridges, moats, and more!

Grins kept plenty busy, too, hauling buckets of water for his sisters and catching a few waves himself!

When Cole left, Wiggles got to work 'organizing' buckets of sand.  She would fill a bucket full of sand, carry it over to the towel, and set it in a line.  She filled up all of our buckets and sand toys, and then apparently wandered around the beach collecting other buckets, because some perfect strangers came and found their buckets on our towel.  Oops! :)  She kept busy on this project for over an hour!  This girl is a born organizer!

We had a GREAT time, and truly enjoyed every moment!  I feel so blessed having so many beautiful beaches so close!  We are trying to make the most of every day in this wonderful place!

Random April

April showers have meant lots of fun time playing indoors - and we also had some nice weather to afford us some fun outings!  Here are a bunch of random shots from this past month:

Dressing up is always fun to do! (And fun to see!)

FHE lesson about putting on the "armor of God"

Grins got really into "Clown Day" at school....although he chickened out and removed his wig as soon as we got to school!

Wiggles took her first ride on the 'tagalong' bike - and hated every minute of it (we only tortured her for a minute or two before finally giving up and putting her back in the bike trailer.)

The Mr. worked a lot of over nights, and worked 29 out of the 30 days in April, so, needless to say, he was in high demand when he was home!

And, as always, Angel has been hard at work on her arts and crafts.  She will only ever clean up / put away her creations if I first preserve them through photograph, so I end up with LOTS of pictures like this on my camera!


The children woke up Saturday to find that the Easter Bunny had hidden (and filled) their baskets.  They were most excited with the new books and sunglasses in their baskets.  And I was most excited about the extra half hour of sleep afforded me while they searched for their baskets~ so we were all happy! :)

Sunday morning, we donned our new Easter outfits (thank you Oma and Opa!!) and headed to church.

After church, we decided to take a walk on the beach.  It was cold and windy, but beautiful!

Of course, I had to take advantage of my children all being dressed up at the same time, so I snapped a few more pictures.  It was a bit too sunny, though, as Grins' face reveals.

We had a lot of fun 'exploring'....

....and climbing....

....and snuggling... (It was cold!)

....and of course, posing.  (Angel is a born model.  She LOVES photo shoots and kept posing for more after I had planned to be done.)

Then we enjoyed a wonderful dinner with friends.  Saturday, we enjoyed an easter egg hunt at church, which was also lots of fun!

Wiggles didn't bring any candy home - she had eaten it long before we left the building.  Fortunately, she didn't find too many eggs or she might have been sick!

All in all, a wonderful holiday spent together!

East End Beach

Halfway through our bike trip, we decided to take a detour and bike to a nearby beach, since it was such a beautiful day!  It couldn't have been more perfect!

I take far too many pictures of Wiggles in a bathing suit because I love everything about her adorable little body - I just can't get enough!  The bulging belly, the pudgy legs...seeing her in a swimsuit reminds me how little she is, and I love it!

Wiggles wanted to go down in the hole...

Of course, the hour long baseball game we played earlier at the park wasn't nearly long enough for Grins....

 The water was FREEZING!

.....and yet, the Mr. and Angel still dove right in!  I'm glad the Mr. was there to indulge Angel - I wasn't about to take her in!

Wiggles kept wanting to get 'buried' in a hole - so we finally put her in, and she then immediately wanted out!

She did allow me to take a picture first, though!

 While the older two were down at the water, Wiggles carried buckets of sand back and forth.  My busy little girl!

The 2 days of 80 degree weather got us really looking forward to summer!  We hope to have many more days like this in the near future! :)