Sunday, August 09, 2009

Happy Birthday Grins!

Dear Grins,
Wow, my son! I can't believe you are 3 years old already! Where has the time gone? I remember the first time I ever laid eyes on you, just seconds after you were born, as though it were yesterday. And now, here you are, a little man. You hold such a special place in my heart! I love you more than words can say.

I LOVE how sweet you are! You are always SO concerned with how others feel, regardless of how they are treating you! Whenever I punish your older sister for being mean to you, you are quick to forgive, and want to go sit with her in time-out, give her the toy she was trying to grab from you, or give her "loves" to cheer her up, when just seconds before she was hitting you. You are the perfect example of 'turning the other cheek' and I learn so much about charity and unconditional love just by watching you.

You are such a lover boy. You love snuggles, kisses, and loves. You will often pause throughout the day, during story time, play time, or anytime, just to give me a kiss. It melts my heart. And every night when I tuck you in, you say "I want you to lay with me!" How can I resist? You are sensitive and sometimes take a little while warming up to things and people, but once you do, you love them fiercely! Your nursery teacher, Krystina, for example. You adore her, and I get the impression the feeling is mutual! You also have many favorites that you cling to:

Favorite color: green
Favorite book: Shortcut (Donald Crews)
Favorite loveys: Puppy, Teddy, Blankie and Magic Blankie (Magic because 'he' protects you from bad guys)

I LOVE your sensitivity! It is so sweet and endearing, and sometimes it also makes me laugh. Automatic flush toilets, for instance, are one of your current 'sensitive spots'. You REFUSE to use the restroom if there is - or even if you THINK there MIGHT BE an automatic flusher. You would honestly rather wet your pants than go in a restroom where the toilet will flush on its own. At least you will finally look to see whether a toilet has a handle, than just avoid going in altogether as you were doing for awhile! :) You are so funny! I love it!

With all your sensitivity, you are definitely all boy! You LOVE trains, tractors, trucks, cars - and have recently discovered the field of swords and 'beating the bad guys' (usually the Lamanites). Since we don't have any weapons in our home, you've become quite proficient at turning anything and everything into a sword - from baseball bats to sticks to hangers? You are so creative! And SO playful! You are ALWAYS laughing, and I rarely see you without a smile on your face! You can make a game out of anything, and you have the most infectious laugh of anyone I know! I smile everytime I think about you!

You have excellent manners - several other mothers have commented to me how much they love that you clear your plate, say 'please' and 'thank you', cover your mouth, etc. all without prompting! You hold the door for me, often ask if you can help me carry are the perfect little gentleman! You are also an EXCELLENT listener - I rarely have to repeat myself when asking you to do things; you are very obedient and I LOVE IT! :)

Sweet boy, I feel SO blessed to be your mother! I don't know WHAT I did to deserve such a special little boy. I feel like you are my little ray of sunlight whenever I am down. You teach me so much more than I could ever teach you. I am so grateful to have you in my life, and for the blessing and honor it is to be your mother. I only hope I can live up to such a noble calling.

I love you, my son. Happy Birthday!


Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday Kai!

Sarah, I love your blog! You are such an adorable and honest girl. We are so glad to have met you & your wonderful family this summer. We absolutely MUST get together more.

Hope you enjoy all these exciting things you have coming up this week.

Cristi said...

What a cute little guy he is. I wish we could see him more often so he considered us "friendly" :-)

Such a sweet tribute. I wish I had things like that for my kids, but alas, it is what it is.

Tell him his GREAT aunt says Happy Birthday!

Heidi and Matt said...

Happy Birthday, little guy! And happy anniversary, Sarah! your summer looks like a blast!!!

Travelin' Bea said...

grins -- i haven't forgotten you... you WILL get a quilt, eventually :) b

Laura said...

What a sweet post! You are a super good mom! Shae told me you had a blog so I had to check it out:)