Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

Our internet is acting up and for some reason I only have it on our laptop which does not have my photos - so my posts will be picture-less until Time Warner Cable gets things sorted out.

In the meantime, here's what's cooking this week:  (Notice Angel and Grins have recently become enthralled with making recipes from the Friend magazine -which I fully support, since it gets them excited about cooking and I get a little help in the kitchen!)  Maybe I'll post some pictures of their creations...

Sunday - Peanut coconut tofu stir fry, butterfly salad a la Grins (Friend), Fruit sushi a la Angel (Friend)
Monday - Cauliflower crust caprese pizza (a new favorite thanks to Hannah), kale chips, fruit kabobs (Friend), Vanilla bean cake for FHE treat
Tuesday - Zucchini boats, tossed green salad, cheerful banana salad (Friend), homemade potato chips (Friend)
Wednesday - Cauliflower alfredo, steamed cabbage, pineapple
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - BBQ with friends

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wow! How healthy! You're an inspiration :). I would love the recipe for your cauliflower alfredo!