Monday, September 20, 2010


Get: laundry in, dishes out, beds made, breakfast on, breakfast cleaned, them bathed & clothed, our teeth brushed & hair done, lunches packed, us out the door, her on the bus, her off to school, him to preschool, her to nap, them fed lunch, lunch cleaned up, laundry out & put away, his owie kissed, the yard cleaned up, his reading lessons, his bike tire pumped, her home from school, after-school snack, hear about her day, house cleaned, books read, homework done, dinner on, them fed, dishes in, kitchen cleaned, house cleaned again, their teeth brushed and jammies on, them in bed, books read, them to sleep,..........and I wouldn't have it any other way! :)


Amy Brinton said...

Sometimes I think that I should write down during the day what I've done each hour. It would be interesting to have a record of all the small things--"tape torn page in coloring book, help repackage the poly-fil that was spread around the living room, remove adventurous baby from dishwasher, make a popcorn snack, scrub spilled craft paint off the table." It's non-stop, isn't it (especially with no husband around!)?

Laura said...

You are such an awesome mom! good job:) Miss you guys:) I am glad you are loving life!

Alex said...

Wow. Is this a before or after? I'm impressed.